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Beautiful Fenland

In the parish of Grimston and Pott Row we are lucky to have three amazing and beautiful fens, agricultural land and garden allotments.

The Grimston Fen and Allotment Trust owns and manages this land on behalf of the parish.

Our Services

The Trust


The three fens are managed to preserve and enhance them for everyone to enjoy now and for years to come.


Derby and Sugar Fen are Sites of Special Scientific Interest and are managed by the Trust in line with a management plan agreed by Natural England.

Hudson Fen is a County Wildlife Site and managed with advice from Norfolk Wildlife Trust 

Garden & Grazing Allotments

The Trust leases some of the land it manages to parishioners for use as garden allotments, 

grazing animals or growing crops. 

Charitable Causes

In addition to the maintenance of the fens and it's other assets the Trust is able to use surplus funds for the benefit of the parish.

It does this in various ways including providing heating grants, educational bursaries and funding for other good causes.


Contact us if you have any comments you're happy to share.

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